14-22 September 2024 „The fruit of that righteousness will be peace” (Is 32,17)
Ars Sacra Festival  •  film festival  •  contact huen

be happy

Ars Sacra Festival | 2020 | #theatre, dance
14 September 2020 | 7:00 pm
Horsecar Cultural and Event Center
1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 64. | map
Nonverbal motion theatre, burlesque, and Christmas, and Sleigh bell, and I love you, and Mousse cake!
The performance was inspired by the film Chaplin: The Kid
The scene takes place in these days. The begging gamin is played by Cecília Kála Mátyássy, the street musician, hoodlum is by Bence Mátyássy. Father and daughter. Wonderful!

Registration is required to participate!
You can register here:, 36 70 9084105
More pictures
Mátyássy Kála Cecília and Mátyássy Bence
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Ars Sacra FoundationOnline program registration